Muse Scene Lab | Management Suite

Muse Scene Lab | Management Suite

Muse Scene Lab | Management Suite

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

The project centers around the management team of Muse Scene Lab, an immersive music learning platform, who entrusted us with the design of a super admin desktop user interface. Our goal is to streamline their daily tasks, emphasizing administrative functions and facilitating information gathering.

UX & UI | Concept | Desktop | E-learning | 2023 | 2 Week Sprint











2 Week Sprint

The Brief: The Client | Stakeholder Interview Summary

The Brief: The Client | Stakeholder Interview Summary

The Brief: The Client | Stakeholder Interview Summary

Muse Scene Lab, a Spanish startup, revolutionizes music learning through virtual orchestras and bands. Their mission is to humanize technology, providing immersive musical experiences. With a B2B focus, they stand out with cost reduction, enhanced student learning, and simplified music practice.

The Management Team faces challenges with time-consuming tasks and decentralized information. To tackle this, they seek a Super Admin Profile to streamline operations and centralize user data. Our task is to design this Muse Scene Lab Admin profile, aiming to improve user engagement and satisfaction.

User Research

User Research

User Research

This project's unique aspect is that the end-users are also the stakeholders. Unlike typical projects focused on conversion rates, our goal was to design a management suite dedicated to improving the efficiency of the management team.

To understand the users thoroughly, we used a targeted questionnaire and conducted interviews with professionals in similar roles across various industries. In total, we conducted 10 user interviews on platforms like Zoom and Google Meet, ensuring a diverse range of insights. Each session had a designated moderator, with other team members taking notes to capture a wide range of responses.

Affinity Diagram

Affinity Diagram

Affinity Diagram

User Persona

User Persona

User Persona

User Journey

User Journey

User Journey

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

Muse Scene Lab Super Admins need to find a way to centralise their data and automize their tasks, since it takes them too much time, and 

they need that time for investors relationship management 

in order to secure funding and keep developing the product.

Ideation | Crazy 8

Ideation | Crazy 8

Ideation | Crazy 8




At the bare minimum, the SUPER ADMIN USER at Muse Scene Lab Platform is going to offer administrative, filtering and centralising functionalities for the tasks the users need to perform , such as adding and organising the platform users and monitoring students performance. By providing these information and options, the user will feel relived and distressed increasing their productivity, so they have more time to focus on his current priority, which is investors relations.

MoSCoW Method

MoSCoW Method

MoSCoW Method

Design Solutions: Lofi | Concept Testing

Design Solutions: Lofi | Concept Testing

Design Solutions: Lofi | Concept Testing

Concept testing revealed a lack of clarity in our stakeholders' requirements, leading us to reassess our scope and project brief. The refined objective is to introduce a Muse Scene Lab Super Admin profile to our platform, from UX to Hifi. This collaborative project provides real-world experience and impactful work for students. The Super Admin Hifi design may build on the existing one or be entirely different, optimizing UX for various users. This shift reduced emphasis on marketing, focusing on the user experience post-login, with stakeholders actively participating in the UX segment.

User Flow

User Flow

User Flow

Design Solutions: Mifi | Usability Testing

Design Solutions: Mifi | Usability Testing

Design Solutions: Mifi | Usability Testing

Usability Testing was successful, aligning closely with stakeholder needs. The design was found easy to comprehend and intuitive. For the transition to Hifi, minor adjustments and additional functionalities are required, such as sharing, downloading reports, and 'select all' functionality for students.

Branding | Moodboard | Style Tile

Branding | Moodboard | Style Tile

Branding | Moodboard | Style Tile

While branding played a minimal role, we ensured alignment with the brand attributes.

For consistency, we adhered to the established style tile, making necessary adjustments to suit our design and user requirements.

Design Solutions: Hifi It1 | Design critique

Design Solutions: Hifi It1 | Design critique

Design Solutions: Hifi It1 | Design critique

The Design Critique phase revealed opportunities for improvement in the following areas:

  1. Overemphasis on the secondary color

  2. Inaccurate placement of the log-out button

  3. Disproportionately large header relative to the footer

  4. Ambiguity in button states

Design Solutions: Hifi It2 | Desirability Testing

Design Solutions: Hifi It2 | Desirability Testing

Design Solutions: Hifi It2 | Desirability Testing

The Design Critique insights were applied to refine the Hifi design. Subsequent Desirability Testing of the wireframes proved highly successful, affirming the product's adept blend of modernity and classicism, while also reflecting attributes of perseverance and diligence.

Lets’ finish it | Prototyping

Lets’ finish it | Prototyping

Lets’ finish it | Prototyping

Let’s wrap it up! Our Learnings

Let’s wrap it up! Our Learnings

Let’s wrap it up! Our Learnings

The project was both intriguing and challenging, and due to its unique scope, it was exceptionally motivating. Throughout this journey, we gained valuable insights:

  1. Simplicity in design and solutions leads to better understanding.

  2. Active listening to users yields invaluable input.

  3. Research is never enough

  4. Teamwork works miracles

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Next: Vergos Custom Wear | E-commerce

Next: Vergos Custom Wear | E-commerce

Redesigning a desktop workwear e-commerce site to boost the conversion rate by optimizing the information architecture.

UX & UI | Redesign | Desktop | E-commerce | 2023 | 2 Week Sprint

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